Also sprach Schpawn:
We just finished a session, and I'm currently in a mood of "I want to post about how I'm having a good fucking time and really enjoying my fucking D&D game and how when my group got together this evening we ate really good food, drank good beer and wine, and all laughed our asses off and talked shit to each other, and killed tons of Sleestaks and three Neo-Otyughs and two Owlbears and a T Rex, while skirting past Stonehell and got a ton of loot which included a Potion of Super-Heroism that we immediately used in the T Rex fight, and almost had the War Wagon burnt to a crisp but we saved the ballista, and I used Speak with Animals to see what the horses knew and if they were okay, and Speak with Dead to interrogate the corpse of the guy that set the War Wagon on fire who me and Vivuli killed during a chase, while the rest of the party tried to put out the fire, and LATER Dak tried out the demonic fire gems for the first time while we all hung over the Neo-Otyugh caves by ropes after being ambushed, and unleashed a 3-round firestorm that incinerated them all, and then during the T Rex attack stupid Dak said 'I hope I don't roll a 1 on this d30' and OF COURSE he rolls the most mocking fucking '1', rolling up one side of the rule book and back down again, and the T Rex wins initiative and bites him almost in half, but for Super Heroism, and he's got plenty of hit points and we're all throwing the d30s in the last minutes of the session and the T Rex is killed.
That is why I blog about this game in this corner of the blogosphere. On the best days I'm having a hell of a good time. FUN FUN FUN.
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47 minutes ago
Good for you. Nice to read about having a bit of fun. After all, this is gaming.
ReplyDeleteGo you. Rah.
Goddamnit. ;) I gotta get my guys to Dwellers of the Forbidden City, under which are the Caverns of Thracia, stat. And someday I gotta run Isle of Dread. Must have a T rex fight...
ReplyDeleteI see mention of rolling d30s for combat...what is your procedure for that? Do the players have a set number of rolls they accrue and use in times of dire need, or something like that?
This is my mantra regarding blogging of late: "Push out the jive...bring in the love..." Great to see posts like this--we need more!
ReplyDeleteimago1: The most common implementation of the house rule is that each player may substitute one roll per session. It can be a damage roll, attack roll, initiative, saves, whatever. The only exceptions are for rolling for hit points at a new level and rolling attributes at character creation. Even cooler, people who adopt this house rule can claim themselves as members of the informal Order of the d30. ;)
Lots more uses for the d30 can be found here.
Thanks, Sir Larkins! I needs must shake off the rust and order a couple of those bad boys without delay.
ReplyDeleteYes, it's good to see some positive stories on the blogs. Long may it continue!
ReplyDeleteThat's what it's all about!
ReplyDeleteYup, a really thrilling session. I have been hoping against hope that the party would return to that dinosaur valley ever since Innominus first perished there way back in Session 24 .
ReplyDeleteYes, that stream-of-conscious account is just the bare outline of the awesomeness of the session! I forgot to mention killing the pterodactyl. It was really just what I needed after a few weeks of gloom and doom. Oh yes it's a game! I almost forgot.
ReplyDeleteRock it!
@Carter - you let slip a hint about what was in the valley the first time and I have been lobbying subtly to get the party back there ever since. DINOSAURS!
ReplyDeleteAlso - I have a long history (mostly as a DM) of calling out an individual number and then rolling it. I have no idea why I called out a 1 on a d30 roll! The second I said it I knew...
ReplyDeleteYes, that was a dramatic die-rolling moment.