Thursday, August 18, 2011

First FLBS Game Meeting in One Month

Well, summer has quickly slipped by, and today marks the one-month countdown to the first meeting of my FLBS Labyrinth Lord game at Lift Bridge Books here in Brockport, NY.  The store's manager, Joe, has kindly posted an announcement of the Old-School Basic Dungeons and Dragons Group's initial Sept. 18 meeting on the store's website, and just today I put the finishing touches on a paper flyer to post around the town and at various locations on the nearby college campus.  The flyer, with acknowledgement for the helpful input provided by Il Male, looks like this:

Now I'm working on my first-meeting pitch along with some visual and textual aids -- I will post about those developments soon.


  1. Good luck and I hope you get a good game together. Have you got any responses (preferably affirmative) yet?

  2. @John: I think I have two confirmed folks, the rest will be surprises.

    @Jovial: Thanks!

  3. Playing D&D in a bookstore is awesome. I live in a corner of LA with plenty of liquor stores and marijuana dispensaries, but I have to get on the freeway to find a bookstore. Oh well.

    I bet your game is going to be awesome!
