Take a look at this post. Does Ryan's level-based "Feat of . . ." system make the PCs too powerful? Would it help if PCs only got one "Feat of . . . " every other level, say, the even-numbered levels?
I like this idea because I like the PCs to lean a bit toward the heroic fantasy side of things, to be a little larger than life, a bit more able to have an impact on fate and history than the average 0-Level peasant or shopkeeper. But I do not want to overpower the PCs, either. Hell, the PCs in my campaign already get to roll a d30 for any roll they want to once per session! Why should they need to perform an amazing class-related feat once per level as well?
Any thoughts?
[New Magic Item] Sunflower Shield
2 hours ago
It's not a bad idea. If I used it, I think I would limit it to every other level. Every level would make the miraculous, a bit too common.