The last time I did an Available Classes Update way back in December 2009 (!), the Advanced Edition Companion wasn't published yet, nor had I discovered Dyson Logos' brilliant 2d6 Thievery. Furthermore, it had not crossed my mind at that early (pre-actual game play) stage that one of my players would want to be a Bard, so I then listed "Bard" as an unavailable class. I also totally excluded halflings, which I now allow in the Arandish campaign, though I prefer to call them "hobbits."
So to bring things up to date, here is a rundown of Arandish Campaign Available Classes:
Human Class Options
Fighter, Cleric, Magic-User, Thief: as per Labyrinth Lord. Note that Thieves use 2d6 Thievery rather than the d% skill table in LL.
Druid, Illusionist, Assassin: as per the Advanced Edition Companion. Note that the druid is an extremely rare PC type in Ara, since Arandish Druids tend to live reclusively in the wilds, eschewing civilization and human company.
Bard: Uses the Arandish Bard template (adapted from Brave Halfling's Delving Deeper: Bard) utilizing the 2d6 Bardery skill mechanic. See Complete 2d6 Bardery (available as pdf here) for details. Also note the Jongleur variant.
Ranger: The Arandish Ranger comes in two variants, both found in Brave Halfling’s Delving Deeper: Ranger. (1) the Giant-fighter type ("With Damage Bonus"), presumed to be a northerner or from the eastern mountains, and (2) the Scout type ("With Additional Skills") from anywhere in Ara but especially prevalent in the wilderness areas of Achelon and the Western Lands, and around the Great Western Swamp. [Coming soon: 2d6 Rangery!]
Noffellian Sword-Cleric: a special type of undead-fighting Noffellian cleric described here.
Barbarian: Barbarians are a permitted class, though are extremely rare in Ara except as Mizarians. Mizarian barbarian characters in the Lands of Ara follow the Ode To Black Dougal Barbarian guidelines, and don't forget that all Mizarian characters are "Klingons on horseback" who get a +1 bonus to any rolls having to do with riding or handling horses.
A Rodian PC may either be rolled up as a Race-as-Class "Rodian" (my preference) or in an "Advanced" variant with four possible class options: Duellist (fighter), Rogue (thief), Illusionist, or Invoker (magic-user). See Rodians: The Reckoning for full details on Rodian PCs.
Dwarf or Halfling
"Dwarf" or "Halfling" Race-as-Class, as per Labyrinth Lord.
James Maliszewski’s use of Goblins as PCs has inspired me to allow goblins as PCs in Ara. But not just anywhere; probably only in the northeastern mountains, in campaigns centering on (or at least originating in) Telengard or possibly Delzar. Of course, if Goblins exist as PCs in Ara at all, then a few certainly dwell in the Free City of Kaladar and at least one must be a member of Hokka’s crew.
Arandish NPC classes players cannot play
Enchanter, Summoner, Necromancer, Shadrachai, and Elf (Fey).
What "typical" classes does this list exclude?
NO Paladins or Monks –- these do not exist in Ara.
NO Elves as PCs -- though elves exist as an NPC race in the Lands of Ara, using the Fey Class template presented by Gavin at The City of Iron.
Random Thoughts & Links for 2/7/2025
4 hours ago
Interesting. I'll need to look up those 2d6 supplements and a few additional classes. Until I read this post, I didn't even know they existed. Many thanks Carter.